These are some of the projects I have worked on, primarily focused on my more recent work in the game industry. If you would like to know more about them, contact me.
Editor, New York State Falconry Association – Mews News and other publications
One of my great pleasures is to work with a variety of falconers tellingĀ their stories. The full publication is only available to members of the New York State Falconry Association
Just Games Rochester
My store is a point of great pride for me, and while I recognize there are larger stores with more developed offerings, we have a gorgeous space in a great community. I include some photos here of our interior. All design and execution is by me.
Board Game Editing & Playtesting, Minion Games
Venture Forth, Kingdom of Solomon, Grave Business, Five Fingered Severance
One of my personal favorite game designs I’ve worked on the playtesting and rulebook for is Venture Forth. This game draws it’s inspiration from Greek mythology and role-playing game mechanics. An early pioneer of many games published since, VF marries an RPG-like adventure theme with an economics engine to derive a points-based victory condition.
I also worked on several other titles for Minion Games as the primary editor, including Five Fingered Severance, Grave Business and Kingdom of Solomon.
Manhattan Project
While there are many games I have worked on as a playtester, one of my absolute favorites is Manhattan Project. I was also lucky enough to do the first pass of editing for the final rulebook. Now in it’s 6th printing and having spawned a card game, Manhattan Project is a worker-placement game where your country races to successfully build and test the first atomic bomb. With an expansion that adds real-world countries and history to the game, Manhattan Project is a great example a game that marries history to theme for an excellent gameplay experience.
Game of Thrones LCG 2nd Edition
As a team leader for this playtest, one of the challenges was working with a large corporate team while coordinating with local playtesters. Fantasy Flight is a marvelous company to work with, and the playtest for this game was a bear to handle, but the final result is a much lauded second edition, and well worth the time crunch.